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Understanding Market Fairness Through Nash Bargaining Solutions 본문


Understanding Market Fairness Through Nash Bargaining Solutions

elira 2024. 11. 28. 00:26


Fairness in financial markets is crucial for maintaining trust and efficiency. It impacts order execution, pricing, and market dynamics. One mathematical approach to understanding and evaluating market fairness is the Nash Bargaining Solution (NBS), which originates from game theory. NBS provides a framework for analyzing scenarios where participants negotiate to split resources (e.g., transaction benefits) in a way that is fair and mutually beneficial.

This article explores:

  1. The fundamentals of Nash Bargaining and its application to markets.
  2. Insights into fairness in order execution and pricing.
  3. A Python implementation of Nash Bargaining in a market context.

1. Fundamentals of Nash Bargaining

1.1 What is Nash Bargaining?

The Nash Bargaining Solution is a solution to a two-player bargaining problem where:

  • Both players negotiate to maximize their respective payoffs.
  • A solution must satisfy fairness and efficiency criteria.


\max_{(x_1, x_2)} , (x_1 - d_1) \cdot (x_2 - d_2)

Subject to:

  1. ( x_1 + x_2 = T ) (total resource constraint).
  2. ( x_1 \geq d_1 ), ( x_2 \geq d_2 ) (players get at least their disagreement payoffs).


  • ( x_1, x_2 ): Payoffs to Player 1 and Player 2.
  • ( d_1, d_2 ): Disagreement payoffs (what players receive if no agreement is reached).
  • ( T ): Total resources to be distributed.

1.2 Properties of NBS in Market Context

  1. Pareto Efficiency: Ensures that resources are allocated without waste.
  2. Symmetry: Fair distribution when participants have identical bargaining power.
  3. Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives: Outcomes depend only on feasible allocations.

2. Applying Nash Bargaining to Markets

2.1 Fairness in Order Execution

  • Scenario: A trader submits a large order, and the market must split liquidity across participants.
  • NBS Insight: Allocates order execution in a way that balances transaction costs and execution fairness for all traders.

2.2 Pricing Fairness in OTC Markets

  • Scenario: Buyers and sellers negotiate prices for assets in over-the-counter (OTC) markets.
  • NBS Insight: Determines a fair price by balancing gains for both parties.

3. Python Implementation

3.1 Import Libraries

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

3.2 Define Nash Bargaining Function

Nash Bargaining Objective

def nash_bargaining(payoff_1, payoff_2, disagreement_1, disagreement_2):
Nash Bargaining Solution for two players.

payoff_1 (float): Player 1's payoff.
payoff_2 (float): Player 2's payoff.
disagreement_1 (float): Player 1's disagreement payoff.
disagreement_2 (float): Player 2's disagreement payoff.

Nash product (float).
return (payoff_1 - disagreement_1) * (payoff_2 - disagreement_2)

Total Resource Constraint

def resource_constraint(x, total_resources):
return total_resources - np.sum(x)

3.3 Solve for Nash Bargaining Solution

Example: Allocating Order Execution Costs

  • Scenario:
  • Total resource ( T = 100 ).
  • Player 1 disagreement payoff ( d_1 = 20 ).
  • Player 2 disagreement payoff ( d_2 = 15 ).
# Parameters
disagreement_1 = 20
disagreement_2 = 15
total_resources = 100

# Objective function (negative Nash product for minimization)
def objective(x):
return -nash_bargaining(x[0], x[1], disagreement_1, disagreement_2)

# Constraints
constraints = [
{'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: resource_constraint(x, total_resources)},  # Total resource constraint
{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x[0] - disagreement_1},  # Player 1 minimum payoff
{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x[1] - disagreement_2},  # Player 2 minimum payoff

# Initial guess
initial_guess = [total_resources / 2, total_resources / 2]

# Solve
result = minimize(objective, initial_guess, constraints=constraints, method='SLSQP')
optimal_allocation = result.x

print(f"Optimal Allocation:")
print(f"Player 1: {optimal_allocation[0]:.2f}")
print(f"Player 2: {optimal_allocation[1]:.2f}")

3.4 Visualize Results

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Allocation visualization
labels = ['Player 1', 'Player 2']
values = optimal_allocation

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)), values, color=['blue', 'green'])
plt.title('Nash Bargaining Optimal Allocation')
plt.ylabel('Resources Allocated')

4. Insights and Applications

4.1 Insights

  1. Fair Resource Allocation: Nash bargaining ensures both parties receive fair payoffs while maximizing joint utility.
  2. Flexibility: Disagreement payoffs allow for customizable fairness thresholds.

4.2 Applications

  • Order Execution: Allocate liquidity fairly in multi-trader scenarios.
  • OTC Pricing: Derive fair bid-ask spreads for bilateral negotiations.
  • Market Design: Implement fairness principles in auction or clearinghouse mechanisms.

5. Limitations and Enhancements


  • Simplified Assumptions: Assumes static payoffs and perfect information.
  • Scalability: Extending to multi-party scenarios increases computational complexity.


  1. Dynamic Models: Use stochastic Nash bargaining for evolving market conditions.
  2. Multi-Agent Systems: Extend the model to more than two participants.
  3. Machine Learning Integration: Predict disagreement payoffs using historical data.

6. Conclusion

The Nash Bargaining Solution offers a rigorous framework for analyzing market fairness. By balancing the interests of participants and ensuring Pareto efficiency, NBS enhances transparency and equity in financial systems. Integrating Nash models into market mechanisms can improve order execution, pricing, and resource allocation in diverse trading scenarios.

