To Be Develop
from seleniumwebdrivercommonactionchains import ActionChains 본문
from seleniumwebdrivercommonactionchains import ActionChains
To Be Develop 2024. 11. 29. 00:31try:
chrome_driver = self.controller.chrome_driver
print("current_url: ", chrome_driver.current_url)
input("Press Enter key to continue...")
print("Complete switch to default content")
reCAPTCHA iframe 찾기
frames = chrome_driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "iframe")
input("Press Enter key to continue...")
recaptcha_iframe = None
for frame in frames:
if "reCAPTCHA" in frame.get_attribute("title"):
recaptcha_iframe = frame
input("Press Enter key to continue...")
if recaptcha_iframe:
reCAPTCHA iframe으로 전환
print("Complete switch to reCAPTCHA iframe")
input("Press Enter key to continue...")
checkbox = WebDriverWait(chrome_driver, 10).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.CSS_SELECTOR, "div.recaptcha-checkbox-border")))
actions = ActionChains(chrome_driver)
user_input = input("Do you want to click the checkbox? (Y/N): ")
if user_input.lower() == "y":
actions.move_to_element(checkbox).pause(random.uniform(1, 3)).click().perform()
print("You didn't click the checkbox")
print("No reCAPTCHA")
except Exception as e:
print("\n\nNo reCAPTCHA\n\n")
'study' 카테고리의 다른 글
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